Outer Conflict - Examples and Definition of External Conflict Meaning of External ConflictExternal strife is a battle that happens between the fundamental character and some outside power. In this way, it is outside the body of the hero. For the most part, it happens when the hero battles against the rival, a character that contradicts the hero in the primary body of the story. Different kinds of outside clash could likewise emerge because of some different factors, for example, the powers of nature, and society in which the hero lives. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Types of External ConflictThere are various sorts of outside clash found in stories. The most widely recognized are:Character versus CharacterThis kind of contention happens when a character battles against different characters in the story, for example in the Harry Potter arrangement. Harry takes part in a fight against Lord Voldemort. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).