Opportunity is a State of Mind Opportunity is an apparently straightforward word. General definition expresses that it is the ability to act, think and talk however one sees fit. In the event that one needed to turn out to be less solid, it can likewise be proposed that opportunity itself, is a perspective. What's more, by and large, when an individual communicates a craving for opportunity, it is clarified why said opportunity is a need and opportunity what circumstance. Notwithstanding, ideas, for example, opportunity tend to need effortlessness when deciphered inside writing. It is seemingly normal inside writing for the subject of opportunity and the idea of trip to match. Morrison's Song of Solomon underscores the utilization of flight symbolism so as to extraordinarily add to the subject of opportunity. This tale starts with a solid accentuation on the significance of flight, as Mr. Robert Smith, the protection specialist, ends it all by bouncing off of the top of Mercy Hospital.